Balabolka Portable (korean.lng 파일 미번역 부분 추가 한글화)





업데이트 사항

08.09.2017     v2.11.0.633
- Fixed the text extracting for EPUB files (thanks to Adelio Alves).
* Resources for Spanish language were updated (thanks to Fernando Gregoire).

29.07.2017     v2.11.0.632
+ Added the option "Minimize to tray when closing the program" (the window "Settings", the tab "View").
- Fixed the support of ClearType.
* Resources for German and Turkish languages were updated (thanks to Regine Mueller and Cagri Dogan).

25.06.2017     v2.11.0.631
+ Small improvements.
* Resources for Hungarian and Portuguese languages were updated (thanks to Zoltan Magyar and Angelo Abrantes).




Posted by 백조자리