Balabolka Portable (korean.lng 파일 미번역 부분 추가 한글화)






XML 태그를 이용하여 음성 합성을 제어하는 기능이 추가 되었는데...


이 기능 때문에 부수적으로

텍스트 데이지 파일(*.XML)을 불러서, 모든 XML 테그를 제거할 수도 있게 되었습니다.



변경 사항


25.11.2017     v2.11.0.641
* The converting of subtitles to audio files was improved.
* Resources for Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), French and Spanish languages were updated (thanks to Kostadin Kolev, Anan, Michel Such and Fernando Gregoire).

18.11.2017     v2.11.0.640
+ Added the main menu items "Insert XML Tag" and "Remove All XML Tags".
+ Small improvements.
* Resources for Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), German, Slovenian, Spanish and Turkish languages were updated (thanks to Kostadin Kolev, Anan, Regine Mueller, Jozef Gregorc, Fernando Gregoire and Ferhat Bakiroglu).

28.10.2017     v2.11.0.639
+ Added the option "Area of use" for audio file creating actions (the windows "Settings", the tab "Pauses").
* Updated the text extracting for EPUB and MHT files.
- Fixed the text extracting for DOCX files.
- Fixed small bugs.
* Resources for Slovenian language were updated (thanks to Jozef Gregorc).

30.09.2017     v2.11.0.638
- Fixed the text extracting for EML files.
* Resources for Bulgarian and French languages were updated (thanks to Kostadin Kolev and Michel Such).

26.09.2017     v2.11.0.637
+ Added the text extracting for XLS, XLSX and ODS files.
* Resources for Bulgarian language were updated (thanks to Kostadin Kolev).

24.09.2017     v2.11.0.636
+ Added the text extracting for EML (E-mail messages) files.
- Fixed small bugs.
* Resources for Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), French and Spanish languages were updated (thanks to Kostadin Kolev, Anan, Michel Such and Fernando Gregoire).




Posted by 백조자리